Meeting the unique needs of single mothers by providing education opportunities and specialized programs

Give the gift of education to a single mother

Education is essential for economic success for families

Women of 4D


We grow into a greater version of ourselves and recognize the need for a judgment free support system.


We understand grace, mercy, and the power of prayer while seeking divine guidance and welcoming opportunities.


We push through obstacles that may inhibit or impact growth.


We consistently build a better today that will benefit tomorrow.

Multicultural group photo of Women of 4D members smiling outdoors.

We serve single mothers with children, under the age of 21, that are raising them alone, as a result of a voluntary or involuntary absentee parent.

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Our Mission

Assisting single mothers with education expenses,
personal development, and principles to improve
economic opportunities.

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Our Why

Birthed by four single mothers who made it their mission, vision and commitment to empower single mothers by creating a space for them to build confidence through faith and community.

What We Provide

Opportunities for Growth

  • Education Scholarship Award

  • Community of Single Mothers

  • Volunteer Opportunities

Education Resources

  • Advice From Experts

  • Women L.I.T Podcast

  • Recommended Reading

Empowerment To

  • Find Your Purpose

  • Experience Transformation

  • Grow Your Influence